Die 15-Jährige vom Tristar Nachwuchs, die nach den Siegen an den Duathlonwettkämpfen am Irchel und in Zofingen gemeinsam mit Gälle Brack direkt vom 6-tätigen Talent-Treff von Swiss Olympic an Tenero nach Basel zeigte, dass sie im Schwimmen weitere ... Lisa Kramer, Hallau 22.16,7. ? Mädchen 14-15: 1. Jasmin Marty, Flurlingen 17.35,1. 15. Natalia Gröbli, Dachsen 22.10,7. ? Jungen 16-17: 11. Dominic Schweizer, Schaffhausen 17.11,4. 13. Fabrizio Maffi, Wilchingen 17.17,2. ...
On Friday I visited Erlenbach im Simmental, the birthplace of Jacob Ammann, the founder of the Amish. The first photo is of the farm where he likely was born, though I am pretty sure the buildings are not that old. ...
During the past 24 hours, we have adjusted the rental income multiplier to correct overinflated rents which some have exploited in their quest to become a real estate mogul. .... I admit, I'm losing interest to a degree but I'm being positive that the folks in charge will turf the cheaters and keep up with improvements. Awwwww.... all that work to create all those silly accounts to funnel money.. all gone... wasted to nothing... and your no longer a Monopoly Magnete. ...